Prepare for your career today.
NorthBridge can help you…
✅ explore your career options
✅ assess the right career for you
✅ build your social media profiles
✅ write your resume & submit job applications
✅ prepare for interviews
✅ transition from college to the workplace
Want to know more?
We’ve helped students in the following vocational programs…
National Personal Training Institute
Latin Barber School
Esthetician/ Skincare Specialist program

Job Prep & Career Readiness
3 steps to success!
Step 1: Check out the career inventory
We provide students a library of resources to get them thinking about life after college and guide them as they begin their professional career!
Step 2: Prepare for job applications
A NorthBridge academic coach will help the student create their resume & cover letter, update their LinkedIn profile, and prepare for the job application process.
Step 3: Apply, Interview, Succeed!
At this stage, NorthBridge coaches help students take initiative and apply for jobs. We’ll conduct mock interviews with students & help them stand out to potential employers.
Want More Information?
About NorthBridge
At NorthBridge, we guide students with learning differences to succeed. Our students have dreamed of a college education, and we believe that is possible with determination!
Our team of highly-skilled staff and academic coaches is dedicated to student success – all have received their Bachelor's degree, with many working on their Master's.